Ostatní dokumentace - veřejná

Procurement procedure: Vakuový exsikátor pro dlouhodobé uchování vzorků ve vakuu nebo v atmosféře inertního plynu včetně dodávky vakuové pumpy

Document information

Title: Call_of_tender and Annex No 1 and 2
Reference number in the filing service unassigned/unknown
Identifier in filing service unassigned/unknown
Description: Call_of_tender and Annex No 1 and 2
Document published on Profile: 01.10.2019 14:34:03

Actual file version

File name: Dokument MS Word Call_of_tender and Annex No.1 and 2.doc
Size: 453.50 KB
Actual file version: 01.10.2019 14:19:49
MD5 hash: c407a4332aa0d0069f14d780f8575d8d
SHA256 hash: c06a960419c5339982b3c281b5ab560cb86bf2b8ffd4feef45c9399955b27e73

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 01.10.2019 14:19:49 Call_of_tender and Annex No 1 and 2 Call_of_tender and Annex No 1 and 2 other documents - public - Call_of_tender and Annex No.1 and 2.doc 453.50 KB